Today Catalina and I are beyond excited because we finally filmed our opening! We met earlier in the day and spent about theree hours working on everything. We first began our filming process by preparing the room in which we filmed. Due to the fact that our film is about a female who is suffering from Obsessive-compulsive disorder, we want to ensure that her room was not chatoic and rather really organized. Catalina and I dedicated some of our time to rearranging the room to be quite bare and clean. We then took the time to review our storyboard and discuss the plans we had already established prior to meeting todoy. Personally, I think this really helped us out because it allowed us to make sure we began the filming process on the right terms and understood each other's perspectives. Discussion was also beneficial to us because it allowed us to make any modifications needed before and during filming.
Once we finished reviewing our storyboard we finally began filming. Catalina and I established a filming plan and I think it was very efficient for us to say the least! The way our process worked was that we first broke our opening up into scenes and sections. This pretty much means that we separated the content into smaller, more doable tasks. By doing this, it had reassured us that we were covering every detail while at the same time giving us a path to follow throughout the whole time. . For instance, because we broke our film down into sections we verified not to move onto further scenes unless we completed those before. Then we began actually filming... We began each scene by doing a quick run over what was going to occur, this is where we would make sure that everything looked good, whether it be lighting, position, or even acting. Once we approved of the practice round we began shooting the shots that we had written in our storyboard. After this, we would find a different way of filming that scene to give us variety to choose from and have back up. Lastly, we would look over the shots we filmed and discussed what we liked and disliked before moving onto the next scene.
Overall, I'm very satisfied with what we have created this far! We still have one part that does need to be filmed but that's only because we need another male character, and we did not have one available at the time. From this point, Catalina and I need to upload the clips, edit them, and than add the credits. This past week I was roaming throu copyright free music and came across one I really liked. I showed it to Catalina and she loved it, we ended up playinf it today in the background when filming to make sure everything added up, and it worked really well. I feel a lot more relieved knowing that we got a large portion of our project completed. Stay tuned to see the rest of our progress!