Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The End Is Near

   This week officially marks the last week of working on our portfolio projects. Words cannot even begin to explain how fast time went and looking back how much was done in the course of these last few weeks. I am beyond excited to finally complete our opening, and as a result of this Catalina and I have been working really hard this week finish up last minute details and perfect our production to the best of our abilities!

   Monday was the day where we sat down and situated the things we had in our opening thus far and the things that needed to be added or modified. Due to the fact that we filmed this past weekend, we had access to all of the clips during class. Over the weekend, I simply compiled all of the clips into one larger video on iMovie, and not editing it with the intentions of analyzing it on Monday with my partner. I believe that in doing this, we were making the process a little bit more easier and more efficient when the time came to edit. During class Catalina and I  took the time to review each clip and decided which ones we felt were vital in our opening, which ones could be eliminated, and how much time we wanted for each shot. I would say that Monday was an overall successful first day for us because it allowed us to organize and create a solid basis for the rest of the week.

   The following day, Tuesday, Catalina and I began editing our opening. We uploaded the video compilation of all the clips onto iMovie and began editing. Meanwhile we edited, we had come to the realization that we filmed a lot of our clips for a pretty long time and therefore needed to cut them down as much as possible, for the sake of our time restriction. This appeared to be a bit of a hassle for us because in each of our shots, our main character is doing several actions that correlate with OCD and therefore cannot be cut because they play an important role. On Tuesday we also spent a large portion of our time determining which shots require a voice over and established what those voice overs would say. Once we both agreed on what should be said, we went into the hallway of our school(because it was more quiet) and recorded them. Tuesday evening Catalina finished up almost everything else we needed for the editing, including the music, credits and transitions.

   Today we reviewed the almost complete opening with details and analyzed what we liked and disliked about it. We both loved how it turned out, despite a few modifications that need to be made. For instance, our most updated/ edited project is about 1 minute and 55 seconds and we still need to film the last part of our film. We haven't filmed this shot yet because it requires a male individual to be in it and we had scheduled to film with him this Thursday directly after school. Because we still need to include this portion into our film, Catalina and I are reviewing all aspects of our opening to see if there are any clips that we can cut down to leave some time for us. The other half of the day we showed our opening to our peers and asked them to critique and give advice. Overall, everyone seemed to really enjoy our film and said that our cuts were very fluid and smooth. Today we also brainstormed more ideas for the title of our film and we keep coming up with words such as "formation", "precision", etc... I do like these titles but I'm not totally convinced that they're a good fit so we are still searching for a title.

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