Saturday, March 12, 2016

Let's Talk Genre

   As a result of not having an idea of what to do for my film opening, I've taken the initiative to do some research on genres with the expectations of a learning a bit more about films. Here is some of the notes I have gathered from these genres!

(As of now I am mostly interested in Drama so this is where I have done most of my research
  • Serious  
  • Plot-driven 
  • Portray realistic characters, settings, situations, etc... 
  • Typically intense character development and interactions
Dramas tend to be about characters who are dealing with real emotional struggles. The struggles characters face within a film are usually against themselves, others, or society. Some prominent themes for drama films are coming of age, hope, moral dilemmas, racial prejudice, sexuality, and many more. Dramas typically tend to emphasize on a character(s) are experiencing conflicts during crucial points in their lives, and because of this, this genre is the one I am fully intrigued with.
As I have previously mentioned in my other blogs, one of my goals is to create a film opening that my viewers can relate to. Which is exactly what Drama has the capability of doing, portraying real-life emotional problems that the target audience will be able to connect with. My partner and I know that we would like our target audience to be young adults and therefore this genre would be the ideal outlet for relaying a meaningful message to individuals who could reside with it.

  • Frightening, terrifying, shocking 
  • Invoke worst fears 
Mystery Fiction 
  • Involves a mysterious death or crime 
  • May involve a supernatural mystery 
  • Usually exciting stories 
  • New experiences 
  • Searches or expeditions 

"Main Film Genres." Filmsite. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.
"Drama(genre)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 12 Mar. 2016.

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